Devin W.C. Ryan

Building 4 Star 60

Canopy Installed

Building 4 Star 60 Day 45: Canopy Installed, Servo Test & Landing Gear

After yesterdays session you can really get a sense of what my aircraft will look like (without the wing anyways).  I started my day with covering the hatch cover.  I wanted to break up all the white on the fuselage and since Peter and I had the same idea for what color should be used

Building 4 Star 60 Day 45: Canopy Installed, Servo Test & Landing Gear Read More »

Power Switch Installed

Building 4 Star 60 Day 43: Fuselage Covered, Engine & Battery Installed

Seeing everything coming together and how far I have come since day 1 when this project began has been really rewarding.  I believe I have learned a lot throughout the process and still have so much to learn!  It has been a lot of fun seeing the aircraft take shape. I started the day by continuing where

Building 4 Star 60 Day 43: Fuselage Covered, Engine & Battery Installed Read More »