Devin W.C. Ryan

October 2018

Ailerons Covered

Building Seamaster Day 32: Elevator/Rudder Fitting + Aileron Covering

Yesterday I continued working on covering the ailerons as well as ensuring a fit between the rudder and elevator. Prior to fitting the elevator and rudder I needed to V the ruder and elevator so that when hinged to the tail of the fuselage side to side movement of the rudder would be possible as

Building Seamaster Day 32: Elevator/Rudder Fitting + Aileron Covering Read More »

Rounded Stab Leading Edge

Building Seamaster Day 30: Sanding & Covering Tail/Stab

Yesterday started with seeing what Peter had down, which was installed the hinges for the ailerons onto the trailing edge of the wing.  This involved making a two toothpick sized wholes per hinge as well as drilling a hole for the toothpick into the hinge itself.  Then the hinges were glued inside the slot with

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