Devin W.C. Ryan

November 2016

Building 4 Star 60 Day 15: Wings Coming Along

Wednesday evening was an exciting building session as I can really see how things are going to be fitting together!  We looked how the stabilizer and fin will connect to the fuselage, which really makes the project take shape! Worked on both wings.  Started with the right wing, above, by cutting and sanding the dihedral angle on

Building 4 Star 60 Day 15: Wings Coming Along Read More »

Building 4 Star 60 Day 13: Right Wing & Tank Floor

Today was another great building session.  I am really enjoying building my plane with Peter.  It’s quite different from anything else I’ve really done as rarely am I building things with my hands, unless you count my fingers typing away on a keyboard! Lol. Started working on the right wing panel, which basically means going

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