Devin W.C. Ryan

March 2017

Power Switch Installed

Building 4 Star 60 Day 43: Fuselage Covered, Engine & Battery Installed

Seeing everything coming together and how far I have come since day 1 when this project began has been really rewarding.  I believe I have learned a lot throughout the process and still have so much to learn!  It has been a lot of fun seeing the aircraft take shape. I started the day by continuing where

Building 4 Star 60 Day 43: Fuselage Covered, Engine & Battery Installed Read More »

Turtle Deck Covered (Top View)

Building 4 Star 60 Day 40: Turtle Deck & Landing Gear Plate Covered

Tuesday’s building session involved finishing up covering the turtle deck, top view in the image above, side view below.  With the convex curves and having to extend back around the tail makes for one of the trickier pieces of covering I had to do.m  Last session I had already cut out the piece, ironed it

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