Yesterday was another great building session. Started by sanding the ends of the stringers where they were cut to make them smooth with HR in the front and former F6 in the back. Also sanded the the ‘wedges’ we glued into place to hold the stringers that butt up to and glue to the face of F6.
Before continuing work on the left wing Peter trimmed off the excess wood (spars, etc.) hanging out pass the end of the wing (fuselage side) as seen in the picture below:
You can also see in the pic above as well as a better look in the picture below where the two top and two bottom forwards spars have been glued and pinned into place.
I then continued working on the fuselage since we were now at a point where work done on the wing needed to set. Needed to get the landing gear in place so put the reinforced/raised landing gear plate Peter made a while back into place and marked a line down the center of the plate. Using the landing gear (plastic bit) marked a center line on it as well, lined the two lines up and ensured the landing gear was as close to the front as it could go, far enough from the back so that the wholes going through would be in the right place, and drew a line so we had the two lines required to drill the four wholes making room for the blind nuts to fit in front of F1 and before the fuse bottom. I then lined up things and drilled the four required wholes.
The axle has a bigger screw in part that you screw into the landing gear plastic bit. I figured out the size of that, on the side of snug, and then drilled a whole for each wheel. After screwing in an axle, which was a tight fit, I used a locking nut to hold the axle on. Prior to putting the tires on (which are 3.75″ in diameter) we placed a wheel collar on, using locktite on the tiny screw, to provide some spacing between the wheel and the plastic bit. Then once the tire is on we put another wheel color on and marked where it will be. Removing the wheel collar and wheel I then grinded a flat spot for the the screw on the wheel color to screw against as we want to make sure it doesn’t slide off. Don’t care about the inside one. This was done for both wheel/axle pairs giving me my landing gear. I then used a saw to cut off the excess axle bits.