Tuesday was a productive session though it appears not much was done as it was about getting the throttle working properly (with the transmitter) through a lot of adjusting and installing the extension for adjusting one of the speed settings, see below:

In order to accomplish these two tasks a bigger hole had to be drilled for the speed adjustment extension as things didn’t quite line up properly (that is in order to give room for vibrations). Some other touch ups will now be required of the covering.
For getting the throttle set properly, which means that at the one end of the throw you are wide open and at the other end you are at idle so that if you hit the kill switch it closes off the throttle shutting off the engine. This involved a lot of tweaking on both the mechanical and end point adjustments (on the transmitter) sides of things.
We had to remove the engine to adjust the throttle “lever” by taking it off and putting it back on in a new position as it is geared.
Peter also had the tail wheel installed for me already, see below, and on Thursday him and John did the balancing of the aircraft outside since it was a nice day and due to circumstances we couldn’t connect up so I could be there too. My task next time will be to install the weights they determined are required.