Devin W.C. Ryan

Rounding of Leading Edge

Building Seamaster Day 16: Wing, Floats & Push Rods

On April 14th I did a fair bit of work on the wing and a little bit on the fuselage.

On the wing the supports were glued into place.  This is top and bottom for both wing tips and provides stability for the wing tip to prevent over flexing, etc.  You can tell in looking at the leading edge of the picture below followed by the leading edge in the featured image at the top that I rounded the leading edge to get the aerodynamics going.  This involved a lot of sanding.  Key here is to wrap the sand paper around the edge and work it back and forth pulling down and away from the edge back and forth to get the rounded effect desired.

Wing Tips Supports Installed
Wing Tips Supports Installed
Rounded Leading Edge
Rounded Leading Edge


This day I also glued the bottom, light balsa, of the floats to the sides.  Eventually the floats will be fiber glassed and special paint applied to make them water proof as these will be placed out on the wings for flotation in the water.

Glue Bottom of Floats
Glue Bottom of Floats

Making sure the push rods are long enough (and casing cut back to allow movement of the inner rod) for the rudder and elevator of the aircraft to where the servos are mounted.

Checking push rod length with servo location

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