On June 9th Peter was over, the pandemic was less scary, and I was soon to be a dad!
This session involved removing the duck tape and pins from the previous session to see how the basla sheeting leading edge held its form. We then slapped a bunch of wood glue on the balsa and placed it back.
Once in place where we wanted it with pins we duck taped it tight to assist in holding the gluing surfaces together.
Better late then never they say… this post was long overdue. This turned out to be my last building session before transitioning back into flying season. The flying season overall for me was extra short, but mostly for awesome reasons!
The awesome reason is my daughter was born on July 18th and I was adjusting to being a first time dad. In time time leading up to that wonderful occasion I got in a few flights, some on my trainer and others on my 4 Star 60, which included my first major crash. The weather and timing didn’t cooperate for me to get out more with my trainer and then I underwent a priority shift and fatigue in my adjustment phase… who am I kidding, still tired but a different tired! Lol.
My hope is that after Thanksgiving I will be able to get back to work on my Aero 3D… this post has worked as a bit of a refresher, but still have to figure out where I left off with everything and what my next steps will be! I think I’m also going to have to adjust how I work on the aircraft due to both the pandemic and timeshifting priorities. The goal will be to get in smaller chunks of time here and there over the winter. I’m excited to get back at it!
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