Tuesday I was able to get in some more covering and visiting. I started by covering the ailerons, which as you can see from the pic above I did in green. Kevin stopped by for a visit to see how things were going and a bit of a chat. It is nice to see guys interested in what’s going on and my progress, even if it is a bit nerve racking at times but we all need to start somewhere, lol.
I also covered the servo hatch covers, seen below. Which was done the same colour as the bottom of the wing so that they match and blends into the rest of the wing.
In order to more easily cover the hatch covers I detached the servos. The overall covering was pretty straight forward though a little awkward due to the small surface area. John taught me the proper way to cut the covering away from the opening where the servo arm goes through. Because you want to have covering over the edges of the opening to protect the wood you cut down the centre of the opening (length wise) and then two cuts into the ‘corners’ of the rounded ends. From there you fold the covering pieces over and iron it down to the edge and back side of the cover.
An ‘oopsie’ was discovered in this process where one of the blocks wasn’t glued to the hatch cover and thus fell off. Good thing this was discovered now, by John, so it could be glued and clamped so that it is properly attached.