It’s been over a week since I’ve been able to get out flying, as the last time I was out was a week ago today. This is due to the weather and that I still require assistance for some things while at the field and those that can assist haven’t been able to get out flying since (or the weather hadn’t cooperated).
Last Monday while I was out was yet again another great learning experience with the ever changing winds. It was only the three of us (Peter, John and myself) and I got in about 3 solid flights. Since it’s been so long as I slacked on doing up this blog post I’m going to just summarize the highlights that I recall:
- Got in three flights with very gusty and ever changing winds making flying itself a different feel as you have to pay close attention to how the plane is flying and compensate accordingly
- While landing on the one flight the wind changed direction on me a couple times, from switching to a tailwind and then becoming a crosswind, and though I was able to keep the plane level after touchdown while coasting to a stop the wind caught the wing and tipped me over, touching the prop stopping the engine
- On one landing I didn’t cut the throttle completely before touchdown so I was going under power on the runway and so after landing I tried to turn and tipped the aircraft touching the wing and prop to the ground causing the engine to shut of
Overall it was a very fun and challenging night of flying as I got to experience new conditions and all in all the guys were impressed with my flying, as was I, as I took off in crosswinds, flew in ever changing winds with various gusts, and landing exceptionally well considering the conditions. I was able to put the plane down on the runway, compensating for winds accordingly, unlike a previous time when I landed off the far side of the runway due to a crosswind blowing me over to far as I didn’t compensate.
I’m really looking forward to getting out again!