Today I tinkered on my website to verify that I have finally completed some outstanding items on my website that I have been planning to do for ages. The only one that I really should have investigated sooner was Google Analytics as now I don’t have any data prior to the end of this week as it appears what I had done way back when broke at some point when switching themes, etc.
What I have done:
- Updated to latest version of Quark Theme
- Verified Google Analytics is working… using the Analytics Cat Free WP Plugin, this is a very easy plugin to use and will have to see how well it works over time
- Using Google XML Sitemaps plugin, added my static pages, set priorities and sent off my sitemap to Google & Bing
- Using a simple Homepage (removed in transition note as no longer in transition)
- Google Search console has my sitemap
The only outstanding item I now have is to figure out what to do about a portfolio.
Oh yeah, also need to continue tinkering and get cracking on some personal projects 😉 . Though I have been working hard on one personal project, that is building my plane! I will want to contain this kind of info in a category within my portfolio, so it will not just be software development projects.