Devin W.C. Ryan

Concorde: Bag 1

Concorde – Delta Wing + Retractable Landing Gear (1-4)

The Concorde is the world’s first commercial supersonic aircraft allowing commercial passenger travel at supersonic speed up to Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound), near the edge of space.  The Concorde was in service from 1976 to 2003.  This means the engineering and design of the aircraft was done prior to 3D design rendering using computer technology was available.  To me this made it a fine choice as my first LEGO set since in combined by interest in aircrafts/flight and wanting to venture into building LEGO sets.

I started this set on June 16th and built the first 4 bags.  Bag 1 starts off with building the delta wing sideways to keep the weight and bulk down, which we build upon in Bag 2 adding in the mechanics for the retractable landing gear and LEGO ‘wiring’ for added visual effect and landing gear mechanism.  This makes up several meters of LEGO bricks, compared to 30.6KMs on the actual Concorde.

Bag 4 builds on the delta wing and constructs the mechanism for triggering the main landing gear, situated in the middle of the delta wing.  I found this part tricky and still makes me wonder how well it is going to work as I found the grey ‘rods’ which connect the gear mechanism to the ‘drive shaft’ would keep disconnecting as I worked out the build, and especially when testing the landing gear functionality.


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