On April 20th finished off the floats and worked on sculpting the nose of the aircraft. In the case of the floats seen above I sanded the edges of the top sheeting I glued on previously. I sanded the edges of the sheeting to be flush with the sides of the float.
To continue with the theme of sanding I did a lot of sanding on the block of wood I previously glued to the nose of the aircraft. I marked some reference points on the wood, grabbed some sand paper and went at it for the evening getting my dose of cellulose that evening working. The goal was to follow the lines of the fuselage and sculpt the nose accordingly with an added dip near the end of the top of the nose, seen below, as well as a gradual incline up from the bottom of the nose seen in the picture at the bottom of this post. You can also tell there was more sanding done on the sides of the nose piece as well to give the final look seen in the pics below.